Listen! Brooklyn Paper Radio team laughs it up with Muslim comedian

On Monday, Brooklyn Paper Radio hosts Vince DiMiceli and Gersh Kuntzman welcomed their first in-studio guest, Mo Fathelbab, the owner of the Experiment Comedy Gallery in Williamsburg, where all patrons of the Muslim faith will be treated to the “Donald Trump Special” — which means free entry to tonight’s show if they can pass a strict “Are you Muslim” test.

The boys are also joined Mill-Marine Courier reporter Colin Mixon who talks about sunken ships, and have a tete-a-tete with millennial Daily News reporter Jeanette Settembre, who hates Star Wars.

Brooklyn Paper Radio is webcast live every week at 4:30 pm from the Brooklyn Paper Building in Downtown Brooklyn.

Podcasts of the show are available at and at the iTunes music store.