In this week’s episode of the Gay City News podcast “Thank You For Coming Out,” creator and host Dubbs Weinblatt welcomes actor, personal trainer, husband, and Whitney Houston aficionado Geoffrey Kidwell (@gkidwell), who shares how his mother reacted to his coming out, what it was like to make his Broadway debut in “Waitress,” and the duty of cisgender white gay men everywhere.
As queer people, we are constantly coming out, and each coming out story is unique in its blend of humor, heartache, worry, and wonder. “Thank You For Coming Out,” inspired by Dubbs’ beloved live comedy show of the same name, pair them as host with lesbian, gay, trans, bi, non-binary, and more members of the queer community to discuss their coming out stories.

Listen in to the wild and wonderful stories of LGBTQ people sharing their always vulnerable and often hilarious stories of coming out.