Power Women with Victoria Schneps Luchia Dragosh, a twenty-time Emmy® nominated and award-winning Producer, Director, and Editor By Schneps Broadcasting
Power Women with Victoria Schneps Lucie Kwon, a career prosecutor, serving as an Assistant District Attorney By Schneps Broadcasting
Power Women with Victoria Schneps Daisy Soros, philanthropist and founder of the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans By Schneps Broadcasting
Power Women with Victoria Schneps Sonia Lawrence, RN, BSN is director at large of the New York State Nurses Association By Schneps Broadcasting
Power Women with Victoria Schneps Janine Stiene (MA, CCC-SLP, TSHH), licensed Speech-Language Pathologist By Schneps Broadcasting
Power Women with Victoria Schneps Dr. Kimberly Cline, President of Long Island University By Schneps Broadcasting