Also on the Radio: Carroll says Malliotakis has not shot at becoming mayor!

He doesn’t like Nik.

In a barn-burning moment on Tuesday’s Brooklyn Paper Radio, Assemblyman Robert Carroll slammed his legislative colleague and Republican mayoral candidate Nicole Malliotakis.

“I’ll bet she’ll be under 25 percent of the vote in the election,” Carroll said.

When pressed by Brooklyn Paper Radio host Gersh Kuntzman whether Malliotakis is “an empty suit,” Carroll just laughed.

“Let’s just say she’s underwhelming,” he said.

DiMiceli mentioned that Malliotakis (R–Bay Ridge) would soon be grilled by the Brooklyn Paper’s editorial board, a body that still includes the ultimate grillmaster, Kuntzman.

“Gersh should ask her why she is so obsessed with undocumented immigrants when it seems like her father is an undocumented immigrant!” Carroll said. “I had a grandfather who was undocumented and I knew that. So if it’s her main campaign platform to go after and vilify undocumented immigrants, which is outrageous, she should answer the question.”

Carroll (D–Park Slope) was apparently referring to a recent Crain’s story in which Malliotakis, who opposes some immigration and would end “sanctuary cities,” could not decisively state that her father, a Greek immigrant, entered the United States legally.

On the larger issue, Carroll’s moral high ground was clear: Despite what Nicole Malliotakis believes, we do not have a problem with illegal immigration in New York City.

“We do not have a problem,” Carroll said. “If you want New York City to function the way it has always functioned [we need] undocumented workers. These people come here for a better life and to work hard and (she) wants to fill their lives with fear and push them into the shadows. Immigrants have always made our city vibrant.”

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